Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beats on and Twitter

While the summer goes back and forth in London, the team@lacantina has been working on various projects...

First of all, the good guys at have kicked off a collabo with The Beat Cellar and will be featuring a couple of our beats on their "best of" videos. Banging hip hop beats and kids doing crazy stunts (or "dares", as they're officially referred to...) is a perfect combo..........we know you can't wait to check it out, so head over to

Second, La Cantina Productions is finally on Twitter. Yes, yes, kinda old news now and should've been done years ago...but we wanted to have a think about how to make the most of the art of tweeting before jumping on board...

So now that you can find us
@lacantinaprod make sure you start following know there will of course be some special love for our followers...

Keep on enjoying the summer people...

Monday, February 02, 2009

Radio and Blogs

Word up

Haven't been posting on our BeatCellar blog for a while because...we have a new blog! We just launched as a way to share our passion for hip hop, and at the same time filter and digest for you the most important news out there in the rap world. So that's us guys who produce your beats, as a new activity we have now turned into bloggers as well...ah, we just love the web too much...

And then...we recently appeared on
Radio Siena in Italy. Oh yes, one of our lovely artists wanted to interview us and find out why we spend all our time locked up making beats and running a website (and a blog as well now).

Fun times...the snow keeps falling on London and those beats just keep coming...
